1. Pre-reqs done CHECK!
2. Application turned in CHECK!
3. TEAS V taken CHECK!
4. Stress over getting accepted CHECK! CHECK!
These are just the requirements for my school – a local Community College ADN program. As I finished my little list I realized that over-simplifies a much more involved process. I took 11 credit hours during the summer, worked 35 hours a week, continued to teach Wednesday night Children’s Church (throw in my 1 year-old little bundle of chaos/joy and my husband, dog, and housework to boot). I was one busy little Mama. With all that was going on I had two days to study for my TEAS test during the week of finals! Somehow by the grace of God and a lot of hard work I managed to pull off a cumulative gpa of 4.0 and score an 87.3% on my entry exam. Whew! The stress step is not optional, it will happen no matter how much you trust God and your transcript. I’m not so sure it was stress as much as it was intense anticipation of the outcome. How’s that for a spin?
Then comes October. THE Month. By day two of said month Husband is forbidden to check the mail for fear he will find a rejection letter and call me at work, or that he’ll find an acceptance letter and not call me at work. Stay with me here. My brain is one-of-a-kind.
Finally, October 20th - A letter in the mail that starts with Congratulations! I am not just hoping anymore. I’m Accepted. That’s a class of its own.
We had a quick meeting the following Monday to be drug tested and given instruction for getting our background checks in order.
Before the letter you have the wait, after you have the fees. Many, many, many fees.
Drug test - $35 CBC $65.25 Fingerprinting $10
On my to-do list now is filling out the required paperwork and saving a boat-load of money for what is to come. Oh, and finishing the semester of course.