Well, Nursing School has started. It has had more hairpin turns in two weeks than the Cyclone at SixFlags. The first day was overwhelming. They gave us a lot of information and somehow I still left feeling like I didn't know anything.
I was amazed at the people who didn't have everything done before Orientation. No uniforms, books, etc... I don't know if that makes me really compulsive or them not prepared. I was done with everything when I hit the door. Er - not counting the NurseSquared software we had to purchase, but I was prepared to do so. Speaking of the software, I was going to try and cheat the system and purchase the 6 month or 1 year access code instead of the 2 year they were expecting us to buy from our bookstore. Luckily, I waited until last minute and then found out they have to mail you the access code. Since it was required by Friday and this was Tuesday, I didn't take that leap. It would have saved me a couple of hundred dollars, but, it turns out it was fortune in disguise. We found out the first day of Orientation that we weren't going to be using NurseSquared anymore. WHAT!!! But, hold on... you still have to purchase it. Last week we turned in our purchases and "swapped" them for an access code to SimChart (also made by Elsevier).
One great thing our instructors gave us is a calendar covering the entire semester. We know what chapters we are doing on what day and when assignments are due (even though we don't even understand what some of the assignments are yet, we at least know what is coming) One of my instructors said "Our calendar is like life - it changes on a dime" or something to that effect. I can attest to that!! So far there are no bad curveballs, just a hospital orientation thrown in unexpectedly or an email at 6pm saying we are actually going to cover something different tomorrow. So here we are two weeks in and I can tell you I have read 22 LONG chapters, taken a critical-thinking test, and checked off on hand-washing and sterile gloving. Woohoo!
Nursing School moves fast. Very, very fast.
As soon as I can eke out another few minutes, I will be back. Until next time I will leave you with something said in lecture:
"Is is more prudent for a nurse to be judgmental or to simply care?"
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